Aspects of Mind

Aspects of consciousness are briefly discussed below. 1. All in the mind Scientific evidence indicates that our entire experience is a construction in our mind (consciousness or awareness). 1 There is no external ‘reality’. It has been suggested, “Everything we know, including space, time and matter, manifests from consciousness” 2 2. Everything has mind It has been proposed that consciousness is an intrinsic property of creation. Therefore it is in everything, from atoms through to creatures with complex nervous systems such as ours. This does not mean that simpler systems have thoughts or feelings, or any of the other mental functions that we associate with consciousness. It only implies that everything in the universe has the capacity for consciousness in some form, however faint. 3 3. Same mind A person’s sense of inner 'me' (constant regardless of age, experience and location) is pure consciousness and it is the same for all of us. “The light...