God and Heaven

The Primacy of Consciousness There is no external ‘reality’. Our entire experience is a construction in our mind (consciousness). Everything we know, including space, time and matter, manifests from consciousness. Other names for consciousness include God and the Quantum Vacuum Field. Source: The Primacy of Consciousness , an article by physicist Peter Russell. More about the primacy of consciousness: The Primacy of Consciousness -- physicist Peter Russell (video). Why Explore Cosmos and Consciousness? -- physicist Andrei Linde (video), e.g. "Before you observe, nothing exists. Once you observe, everything looks as if it existed all the time. Consciousness exists without matter . " Scientific Proof of the Existence of God -- an interview with physicist Amit Goswami (article), e.g. " Consciousness is the ground of all being ." Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter -- Dean Radin , PhD. Quantum Entanglement ...