Modern 'education' and mass media

No wonder modern graduates can't think properly!
We're manipulated? Surely not!
Are you anti-White? So ability + hard work is bad. Is Jewish privilege OK?
An anti-White agenda? Never!
Great! A boat-load of brain surgeons, engineers and computer scientists!
No wait. . . . Maybe not.
Ah, this one could be a surgeon! He's going to show his professional skills.
Yes! Look at the neat slice in the lady's neck.
Must be a misunderstanding. He doesn't look the type.
New 'Europeans' making themselves at home
Nooooooooo! Things are going so well!
Nah. Go for the full monty: brain wash + brain tumour + white genocide.

OK, so you want to survive.

Then you must help promote your nation's identity and culture (ethnocentrism) with particular emphasis on:

a) Your nation's language (Afrikaans; Gaelic, e.g. Manx Gaelic; etc).
b) Self-governance in an independent country / state of your own (ethnic nationalism, e.g. like Israel).

c) The use of national resources of the country for the benefit of all its people (nationalism rather than globalism).

d) Your nation's music and dance -- at the heart of cultural identity.

As was noted in the previous post, Ethnocentrism and Achievements of White People, low ethnocentrism = national failure (e.g. the UK) while high ethnocentrism = national success (e.g. National Socialist Germany before the Jewish attack; South Africa during the era of separate racial development, before the Jewish attack; and the Jewish community).

Look at how their ethnocentrism has helped Jews succeed, e.g.

Which has allowed them to do this:
Instead of us doing this:
Happy and successful Whites -- "not acceptable" (to Jews).

Globalism, the alternative to national socialism that is being forced upon us, is evil.

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