Solar storm effects on humans
sun continuously emits a stream of charged particles (“solar wind”)
in all directions. The wind blows radially away from the sun, its
speed and density are highly variable, and it contains a magnetic
field that is also highly variable in magnitude and direction. When
the sun is relatively calm, the only manifestation of solar wind may
be the auroras (Northern or Southern Lights), caused by the
excitation of atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen by the wind’s
energetic electrons (Lenz, 2004).
geomagnetic storm, or solar storm, is caused by a solar wind shock
wave that strikes Earth's magnetic field, resulting in a
worldwide temporary disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere, distinct
from regular diurnal variations. This only occurs if the shock wave
travels in a direction toward Earth. During a geomagnetic storm,
“portions of the solar wind's energy are transferred to the
magnetosphere, causing Earth's magnetic field to change rapidly in
direction and intensity and energize the particle populations within
it” (NOAA).
storms comprise three major components: solar flares, solar proton
events (SPEs) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The largest
geomagnetic storms tend to involve all three elements. About 8
minutes after a solar flare, a powerful burst of electromagnetic
radiation reaches Earth. About an hour after a SPE, high-energy
cosmic rays reach Earth. Within about two days of a CME, the
compressed magnetic fields and charged plasma of its leading edge
smash into Earth’s magnetic field like a battering ram (Marusek,
2007). The strength and frequency of geomagnetic storms correlates
with the eleven-year sunspot cycle. As the sun rotates completely in
about 27 days as seen from Earth, and great sunspot groups can stay
active for several solar rotations, a 27-day pattern of geomagnetic
storms can occur (NOAA; Marusek, 2007).
storms are traditionally divided into three phases: the initial
phase, the main phase and the recovery phase. During the initial
phase (duration 2-8 hours) the magnetosphere is compressed, causing
local intensity. During the main phase (duration 12-24 hours) there
are erratic but general decreases in background field intensities,
followed by the recovery phase (duration tens of hours up to a week).
Geomagnetic storms are predictable and usually last for two to four
days, but occasionally they last for many more days. We have an
average of 35 stormy days a year with a higher concentration of
stormy days in March-April and September-October (Krivelyova &
Robotti, 2003).
is a growing body of evidence that geomagnetic storms have brief but
pervasive effects on human mental and physical health. These effects
are far more significant than the well-known influence of the Full
Moon and they are also stronger than the effects of meteorological
factors (Dimitrova, 2005). The literature reviewed by Krivelyova and
Robotti (2003) and Ward and Henshaw (2006) shows that geomagnetic
storms have been related to mood disorders, anxiety, sleep
disturbance, suicide, decreased functional activity of the central
nervous system; double the frequency of myocardial infarction, angina
pectoris, violation of cardial rhythm and acute violation of brain
blood circulation; and 30-80% increases in urgent hospitalization of
patients in connection with suicides, mental disorders, myocardial
infarction, defects of cerebrum vessels and arterial and venous
and Robotti’s (2003) literature review shows a harmful effect of
solar activity on both sick and healthy people. Zakharov and Tyronov
(2001, in Krivelyova & Robotti, 2003) stated: “It is commonly
agreed that solar activity has adverse effects first of all on
enfeebled and ill organisms. In our study we have traced that under
conditions of nervous and emotional stresses (at work, in the street,
and in cars) the effect may be larger for healthy people. The effect
is most marked during the recovery phase of geomagnetic storms and
accompanied by the inhibition of the central nervous system”.
environmental light and magnetic fields, which undergo diurnal and
seasonal variations, influence the activity of the pineal gland. By
altering the activity of this gland, geomagnetic storms
cause imbalances and disruptions of the circadian rhythm of melatonin
production, a factor that plays an important role in mood
disturbances. A variety of behavioural changes and mood disorders
have been strongly linked to abnormal melatonin patterns. In
particular, patients suffering from depression have been shown to
suffer decreased nocturnal melatonin levels. Depression in Seasonal
Affective Disorder (SAD) is also associated with an unstable
circadian pattern of melatonin secretion (literature reviewed by
Krivelyova & Robotti, 2003).
SAD is defined by a pattern of autumn and winter depression,
unusually high geomagnetic activity levels seem to disturb people’s
mood intermittently throughout the year. Further, a singular intense
geomagnetic storm may continue to affect a person for several days
after the storm has ended (Krivelyova & Robotti, 2003).
effects are greater at higher magnetic latitudes, extremely high as
well as extremely low geomagnetic activity seems to have adverse
health effects, and about 10 – 15 % of the population is
predisposed to ill health of geomagnetic variations. Although
suppression of melatonin secreted by the pineal gland is a likely
link between geomagnetic activity and human health, it is unlikely
that all reported health effects of geomagnetic variation are due to
a single mechanism (Palmer et al., 2006).
provide information, perhaps unconsciously, to people about their
environment. Further, people often attribute their feelings to the
wrong source, leading to incorrect judgments and behaviour. For
example, someone in a bad mood because of high geomagnetic activity
levels may unconsciously attribute their feelings to other aspects of
their situation. People in a bad mood tend to make more pessimistic
judgments and choices, especially in relatively abstract matters
about which they lack concrete information (literature reviewed by
Hirshleifer & Shumway, 2001 & Krivelyova & Robotti,
cycle and behaviour
World War I a Russian professor of Astronomy and Biological Physics,
A. L. Tchijevsky, noticed that particularly severe battles followed
solar flares. He consequently studied the histories of 72 countries
from 500 BC to 1922 AD and found that 80% of the most significant
human events, mostly of war and violence, occurred during periods of
maximum sunspot activity, specifically, during the five years around the maximum in sunspot activity. In addition to the higher likelihood of major battles, riots and migrations during this period, this time of maximum sunspot activity was also associated with the dissemination of different doctrines (political, religious, etc); the spreading of heresies, religious riots, pilgrimages, etc; the appearance of social, military and religious leaders and reformers; and the formation of political, military, religious and commercial corporations, associations, unions, leagues, sects, companies, etc. (Michalec, 1990; Mandeville, 2003).
During recent years scientific understanding of the relationship between solar activity and Earth climate, weather, agriculture and commodity markets has developed substantially. In contrast, the relationship between solar activity and human behaviour has been relatively neglected. “Modern humans, unlike the ancient cultures of Egypt, Sumer, Bhararti, Maya, and China, are highly reluctant to admit that their collective behavior is influenced strongly by the sun. They prefer to believe that reason rules their societies” (Mandeville, 2003). Mandeville (2003) showed that a strong association between maximum sunspot activity and significant human events, especially of war and violence, has persisted across the centuries up until the present time. I can verify from my own record of sunspot numbers and significant human events that this association continued beyond the maximum peak of April 2014.
During recent years scientific understanding of the relationship between solar activity and Earth climate, weather, agriculture and commodity markets has developed substantially. In contrast, the relationship between solar activity and human behaviour has been relatively neglected. “Modern humans, unlike the ancient cultures of Egypt, Sumer, Bhararti, Maya, and China, are highly reluctant to admit that their collective behavior is influenced strongly by the sun. They prefer to believe that reason rules their societies” (Mandeville, 2003). Mandeville (2003) showed that a strong association between maximum sunspot activity and significant human events, especially of war and violence, has persisted across the centuries up until the present time. I can verify from my own record of sunspot numbers and significant human events that this association continued beyond the maximum peak of April 2014.
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variations of solar origin and meteorological factors. Recent
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D., & Shumway, T. (2001). Good day sunshine: Stock returns and
the weather.
A., & Robotti, C. (2003). Playing the field: Geomagnetic storms
and the stock market.
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Working Paper, 2003 (5b).
D. (2004). Understanding and predicting space weather. The Industrial
(6), 18-21.
Mandeville,M. W. (2003). Sunspot cycles and their influence on human history.
Marusek, J. A. (2007). Solar storm threat analysis. Impact, 2007, 1-29.
Michalec, A. (1990). Solar activity and human history.
Michalec, A. (1990). Solar activity and human history.
NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center. A primer on space weather.
S., Rycroft, M., & Cermack, M. (2006). Solar and geomagnetic
activity, extremely low
frequency magnetic and electric fields and human health at the
Earth's surface. Surveys
in Geophysics, 27 (5), 557-595.
– Solar Influences Data Analysis Center.
(monthly sunspot number).
J. P., & Henshaw, D. L. (2006). Geomagnetic fields, their
fluctuations and health effects.
Space Weather Prediction Center. Solar Cycle Progression.
Space Weather Prediction Center. Current Space Weather Conditions - Planetary K-Index.
World Data Center for the International Sunspot Number.
Space Weather Prediction Center. Solar Cycle Progression.
Space Weather Prediction Center. Current Space Weather Conditions - Planetary K-Index.
World Data Center for the International Sunspot Number.