No more lies about Adolf Hitler

Born 20 April 1889, Died 30 April 1945 (56 years)

Mein Kampf – by Adolf Hitler (published in German 1925). Translation of Mein Kampf into English by James Vincent Murphy, 1939. A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook.

The Nazi Primer: Official Handbook for Schooling the Hitler Youth –  by Adolf Hitler. Translation of the original into English by James Vincent Murphy, 1938. 

Publisher comment: The National Socialist outlook on life is no theory – it adapts itself strictly to existing reality. The ideal of National Socialism is born of experience. It is a factual and realistic outlook on life.

Review by Philip Dawes, Sep 2019: The idealistic basis for the renewal of the German nation. Disregarding the entirety of the corrupt and fraudulent narrative of tortuous lies and hatred showered upon Adolf Hitler following that terrible period of WWII, and the unprecedentedly massive brainwashing and indoctrination generated around the world, Hitler was fundamentally an idealist and great thinker. This is attested to by his writings and speeches, and confirmed by statesmen and other world leaders and high society in the years prior to the onset of that devastating life-destroying conflict. Even Winston Churchill praised his achievements in the mid-1930s. Former Prime Minister Lloyd George visited Hitler at his mountain retreat and said afterwards: "I have never met a happier people than the Germans, and Hitler is one of the greatest men. The old trust him, the young idolise him. It is the worship of a national hero who has served his country.” As with WWI, the war (WWII) against Germany was engineered by an evil cabal many years before its onset. We only need to review the many wars since 1946 to realise that each one of them was planned years before for strategic and financial benefit by the war-mongering victors - America and her European partner-puppets. 

Quotes from Mein Kampf

1. Marxists are the mortal enemies of our people.
2. We are openly controlled by the Jews and intentionally driven to ruin.
3. We see the Jewish endeavour to secure mastery of the world.
4. A great national leader does not share his country with the Marxists and he destroys internationalism.
5. Seek and find those forces that are determined to wage a war of destruction against Marxism, and give these forces a free hand.
6. The fate of a nation cannot be changed in kid gloves.

Carolyn Yeager – historical and holocaust revisionism.

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